

主演:亚当·桑德勒,德鲁·巴里摩尔,克里斯蒂娜·泰勒,艾伦·卡瓦特,马修·格拉夫,艾琳·艾比迪尼,安吉拉·范泽斯通,亚历克西斯·阿奎特,克里斯蒂娜·皮克勒斯,约迪·特伦,弗兰克·西维罗,Patrick McTavish,Gemini Barnett,泰迪·卡斯特鲁奇,Randy Razz,比利·伊多尔,凯文·尼龙,卡门·菲尔皮,罗伯特·斯密戈尔,彼得·丹特,詹娜伯恩,杰森·科特尔,Jimmy Karz,Al Hopson,史蒂文·布里尔,安吉拉·佩顿,克里斯多夫·阿兰,提姆·赫利希,Sid Newman,珊娜·



婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.1婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.2婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.3婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.4婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.5婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.6婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.13婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.14婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.15婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.16婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.17婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.18婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.19婚礼歌手 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-12 07:08


  罗宾(亚当•桑德勒 饰)无法完成歌星梦,于是他成为了一名婚礼歌手。他看过很多新人们幸福的时刻,却在自己的婚礼上遭遇未婚妻琳达(安吉拉•范泽斯通 饰)的抛弃,被抛弃的罗宾伤心得要死。幸好有侍应茱莉亚(德鲁•巴里摩尔 饰)的安慰,茱莉亚便盛意邀请他一起准备自己的婚礼。  茱莉亚的未婚夫是一名股票经纪,而且风流成性,身边美女成群。罗宾知道了茱莉亚的未婚夫是如此的一个人,却不忍告诉正陶醉在新婚幸福中的茱莉亚。  这时罗宾才发现,自己已经暗暗对茱莉亚产生了感情,而茱莉亚的婚期在即……


 1 ) 婚礼歌手

这是一部轻松主题的电影,关于如何将一个简单的爱情故事拍的新鲜而动人,本片具有相当的参考价值。领衔主演的是Adam Sandler和Drew Barrymore,他们的精湛演出使本片在无数以婚礼为背景的好莱坞影片中显得别具风味。而且由于影片内的场景都取自我们熟悉的八十年代,片中再现和戏仿了许多八十年代常见的

 2 ) 谁是一起变老的那个人

星期天的晚上,精力不济中百无聊赖中看了这部电影--《the wedding singer》。


you know when you meet the right gril,
becase it is not how you feeling abour her,
it is how she makes you feel about yourself.

it is about security?
it is about money?
it is about personality?
...it is about yourself!



plus,Drew Barrymore美得像太阳下一朵金灿灿的小雏菊,看到她都是享受啊;
Adam Sandler也是我非常喜欢的演员,这个男人不够帅气没有肌肉,在片中的发型和服装更是囧rz。但他幽默、真诚、自信、深情,我总被这样的男人感动。他唱那一首kill me,眼神清澈明亮,爱和痛都那么干净纯粹淋漓尽致。真是又好笑又让人心痛。是真性情还是演技爆棚?

 3 ) Am I Robbie or Julia?I can't be either.

   After Robbie was abadoned by Linda at the wedding,he laid in the bed in the basement,and he said to Sammy:"I don't have anything to offer."
   Then he met Julia.He finally got something to offer to that girl.Actually,Robbie was helping other people in town all the time.He is a wedding singer,who bring joy to guests;He has a dream as a rock star and is talented at writting songs.
   He is an orphan.Mom and Daddy left at ten.He has been hurt.But he is the one who always make other people happy.I think that's noble. Many people who got hurt grow to be cynical and defended,self-involved,and lose faith in love. Robbie thinks in a positive way,and he still hold hope for true love,before the wedding day.He got mad,sad,felt deeply betrayed,and began to doubt himeself as a wedding singer and even a helper without any payment. We know how much love can hurt."Take an instance,me." When Robbie sang that angry song"I used to love but it was a joke and I want a bullet shot in my head"in the hall in front of Julia,I think that's the moment Julia fell in love with him.So did I.I usually into guys with hurt and a high-esteem.I guess that's the self-rescue part,you will cure by rescuing somebody else hurting. Robbie met Julia,who looked him in the eye that we all read the message"You are so special to me".And Robbie went to pursue Julia at the last moment.
   I think that's the difference between men and women.When a man get hurt,he will move to save another girl in need,so as to cure himself and felt his worth once more.But when a woman gets hurt,she wouldn't get cure by loving another man,c'z that's not appropriate for a moman to be active and take into the" rescuer" role.She is espected to stay there in the blue and wait someone to show up and save her. It's getting helpless.And I hate myself.Anyway,Julia is not the girl like me.I won't let my life depend on someone else to save me,which by the way,romance only happens in the movie.
   I'm not Julia,and I can't be Robbie who meets Julia and be treasured and he earned his welfare by taking some moves.He is a man.That's what man should do.I don't know if I ever gonna meet some guy who is attracted by my loneliness and misery because there's anything else I can offer,to the opposite sex. I have a kind of pretty face,and a not so perfect body,a great listen when I concentrate,a hard-working student but that ambitiousness is not appreciated for most men. I learned self-doubt after the hurt by love,and become someone who is not me.And now I don't like the way I am.I had a fierce fight in the inner world every moment in the past few days.I even despise myself for thinking so negtively.Is there anyone who can understand the complicated contradiction I've been suffering?
   You might disgrace me but I'm the one losing faith in true love.I believe there's true love,I just don't believe that would happen on me.I'm also cursed for not helping other people,but I got my own ways to get out,by pulling myself higher and higher.A tough way,but at least it works some time.It isn't working now,and I'm back to that needy,desperate coward again.Hi me,all I'm thinking is that I don't deserve to have a guy to treasure me,looking me in the eye like saying"You are the most beautiful thing in the world.",someone who holds me and say"everything will be allright." I would like to do anything for him,too.But no,there's none,all me.I'm a loser.That's what they called. If love was red,I must be color-blind.
   There is tons of great speech you can throw on me,like"if you try you will find",or "don't feel inferior,you are not that bad",or"be yourself and good things will follow"...that doesn't help really.
    I'm going to live,whatever.Whether to success or lose in the end,it won't improve anything to self-esteem.I still gonna to abase myself for such struggle in vain.For not feeling confident in prior,for having so much contrary thoughts in head.That's me,and that's not cool.
    Perfectism,they call it.It rules all over me.Very mean superego.Mother never loved her much and daddy never kept in touch,that's why she shies away from human affection.
    I'm the kid in emptiness,like Robbie.He finds away by writting songs and helping people.I find my way lifting up.We are both innocent children abandoned by parents.Why do they do that to us? I know I'm not the only one,and there are more even worse. The absense of parents definitely effects on children's development,and I don't know how many of them has made a way out.I still went back to the homeless little girl sometimes.
    Can I help ? Maybe some day I will.I will.
Be careful,don't be hurt by love.But sometimes it's just destiny.You can't run off,it will chase you.Eat you in and out.
    "I'm so in love with you."Wish someday I could say that.Wish I have the strength to make it till that day.

 4 ) 婚礼歌手


 5 ) That's All

原来亚当·桑德勒除了搞笑,还会唱歌。很惊喜他在38分53秒唱That's All。这是我非常喜欢的歌,无奈剧情原因,亚当只是唱了一小部分。如果你也意犹未尽,这是我最爱的翻唱版本。

That's All (from It Had To Be You...The Great American Songbook) - Rod Stewart_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


That’s All

I can only give you love that lasts forever 我爱你 终我此生 And a promise to be near each time you call 我保证 随叫随到 And the only heart I own 而且我唯一的一颗心 For you and you alone 永远只属于你一人 That’s all 我所能给你的只有这些 That’s all 只有这么多 I can only give you country walks in springtime 春暖花开 我带你到郊外散步 And a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall 秋叶飘零 我紧握你手 And a love whose burning light 给你炽热的爱 Will warm the winter night 令严冬的晚上变得温暖 That’s all 我所能给你的只有这些 That’s all 只有这么多 There are those I am sure who have told you 我肯定 以前有很多人对你说过 They would give you the world for a toy 他们会把全世界当玩具送给你 All I have are these arms to enfold you 而我能给你的 只有紧抱你的双臂 And a love time can never destroy 还有就是连时间都无法冲淡的爱 If you’re wondering what I’m asking in return dear 亲爱的 如果你想知道我要什么作为回报 You’ll be glad to know that my demands are small 你会高兴地发现 我要的其实不多 Say it’s me that you’ll adore 只要你跟我说 你爱的人是我 For now and evermore 此生不改 That’s all 这就够了 That’s all 这就够了

 6 ) 婚礼歌手

1. 考虑到还是想在大荧幕看黑豹 又太久没有好的音乐片 今夜就靠本片补给吧. 毕竟还是那对老拍档哦 还是他们合作的第一部.

2. 亚当桑德勒好瘦.

3. 巴里摩尔还是一样的不瘦哈哈.

4. 两人最顺畅的一次相识了.

5. 想到了痛哭流涕的我 这个场景.

6. 作为一个婚礼歌手 桑德勒自己被逃婚了?

7. 忽然意识到 毕竟我也是被逃婚过的人呐.

8. Ridgefield 看起来应该在纽约市. 很好就当纽约.

9. “精神病院”. 又是一个相同的体历.

10. 两人如此亲昵 甚至让我不太习惯.

11. 浑身颤抖 工作提前来临.

12. 又学了个俗语.

13. 虽然明晓得一切阴差阳错都会被纠正 但还是难过.

14. Billy Idol居然真的叫Billy Idol. 也就难怪乎翻译成billy偶像了.



  • sabrina
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  • 叶落尽
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  • Memento Mori
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失恋,错恋,同性恋, 原来每个都不简单

  • 理想多钱一斤啊
  • 力荐

温馨甜片。1.互动性2.群体氛围感3.营造温馨感:粉橘色墙纸+无数相框4.你一定会遇到善待你的女孩5.作品要让人产生共鸣6.深紫色和浅黄(浅金)/粉紫 浅金 白色7.我想做的只是,和你一起变老

  • 穆如初
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这简直94老友记配角大联盟:Ross的光头女盆友邦尼;菲比介绍给Rachel的Loser肥肥;让Ross和Rachel分手的girl from the copy place;当然还有Ross和Monica的麻麻茱迪。这片子简直就和那时候的德鲁一样,甜死了!今天吴孟达死了,我突然觉得桑德勒的片子跟周星驰的有点像,都是讲各自社会底层Loser的生活,当然桑德勒是真开心的,结局总会拨开云雾见晴天,然而周不是..

  • 费纸姬
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AdamSandler & DrewBarrymore nice couple!好小伙儿和好姑娘“HEA”的结局!偶耶!

  • Hey Johnny
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  • 燕爷
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1. wow, face recognization, Julia's mom is the one that perform Monica's in Friends.2. so this is a nothing guy's struggle history3. 后半段狗血多了,好事太多磨。4. 飞机上那段结尾好看,精彩,美好,简单。

  • 壹次心
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现在看十多年前的电影,真受不了,主要是演员表演,怎么觉得这么做作?。虽然主题还算“温柔”,爱情啊,人啊,生活啊,总不会那么如意。不过,可以一窥婚礼歌手这一行当,菜鸟级的。^_^。CD player刚流行

  • 紫领 爱
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It's not how you feel about her, it's how she makes you feel about yourself

  • hanstveit
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Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore继50First Dates 后又看到他们的电影~感动依旧...6/19 CCTV6

  • 静@Einfühlung
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I want your lo-o-o-o-o-o-ove!!!!废柴桑德勒追爱之旅 中规中矩烂俗大团圆喜剧

  • Eric。
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好久没看到这样真诚美好的小鸡片了,更难得的是对于角色塑造的用心,在两个无比普通的人上看到了几乎发着光的善良,让小胖子捏着屁股跳舞的Julia和拉着喝酒的男孩躲开家人去呕吐的Robbie,两人内在品质的共通之处让所有情节的铺陈都水到渠成。ps 布鞋米叔叔那么抢戏居然uncredited...

  • Lycidas
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盗版碟 画质不太好

  • Spring Xu
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  • 我爸知道有豆瓣
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  • B-B-B
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2009.10.9于新居,十年前的片子啊,除了里面的音乐和桑德勒的发型难以接受以外,其他都是蛮不错的,那个时候的Billy Idol还那么年轻啊,当怀旧片看吧。。。。。。

  • MR.Pain
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真美好啊!!最近就特别喜欢看这种无脑烂俗却又温馨可爱有趣的片子【其实一直都喜欢看的吧←_← 我真是越来越爱Drew Barrymore这妞儿了,她是我心中甜美的代名词XD 里面配乐竟然出现Don't stop believin'和You make my dreams come true。好亲切~~

  • 冰糖木耳
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