


导演:Martin Dennis



冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.1冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.2冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.3冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.4冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.5冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.6冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.13冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.14冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.15冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.16冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.17冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.18冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.19冤家成双对第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-13 13:38


苏珊(莎拉·亚历山大 Sarah Alexander 饰)漂亮、自信,知道自己想要什么,并善于在恋爱关系中掌握主导地位。她的前男友帕特里克(本·迈尔斯 Ben Miles 饰)也是个情场高手。苏珊最好的朋友萨利(凯特·李斯特 Kate Isitt 饰)是个美容师,终日担心衰老,整天和各种化妆品打交道。苏珊的现男朋友史蒂夫(杰克·达文波特 Jack Davenport 饰)是个假正经的帅哥,喜欢发长篇大论。他的前任女友简(吉娜·贝尔曼 Gina Bellman 饰)是个厉害的性感尤物,是“所有男人最可怕的噩梦”。而他的好友杰夫(理查德·柯伊尔 Richard Coyle 饰)一方面非常喜欢给朋友们提供恋爱和性爱方面的建议,另一方面却一见女人就紧张得手足无措。   当这几个人聚在一起,好戏就开场了......


 1 ) 第二集这个笑话 实在是。。。。。。

A: I told you he was not your type
B: I am surprised he was ever yours, what do you see in him, he's so dull! I need personality verve humor. I see why you call him donkey brain.
A: Actually I call him donkey
B: yeah but I got your point
A: No you didn't
B: What you mean...
A: some men are born lucky. some men are born very lucky
B: what was Patrik born
A: a tripod
B: you let me dumped a tripod, you bitch!


 2 ) 卫生间的意义~

摘抄一段"the girl with one heart"那集中,Steve对于卫生间之于男人的重大意义所发表的重要演说:
We are men! Throughout history, we have always needed, in times of difficulty, to retreat to our caves. It so happens that in this modern age, our caves are fully plumbed. The toilet is, for us, the last bastion, the final refuge, the last few square feet of man-space left to us! Somewhere to sit, something to read, something to do, and who gives a damn about the smell? Because that, for us, is happiness. Because we are *men.* We are different. We have only one word for soap. We do not own candles. We have never seen anything of any value in a craft shop. We do not own magazines fill of pictures of celebrities with all their clothes *on*. When we have conversations, we actually take it in turns to talk! But we have not yet reached that level of earth-shattering boredom and inhuman despair that we would have a haircut *recreationally*. We don't know how to get excited about... really, *really* boring things, like ornaments, bath oil, the countryside, vases, small churches. I mean, we do not even know what, *what* in the name of God's *ass* is the purpose of pot-pourri! Looks like breakfast, smells like your auntie! Why do we need that? So please, in this strange and frightening world, allow us one last place to call our own. This toilet, this blessed pot, this... fortress of solitude. You girls, you may go to the bathroom in groups of two or more. Yet we do not pass comment. We do not make judgment. That is your choice. But we men will always walk the toilet mile... alone

 3 ) S01 捧腹的对话

S01E01 Flushed

That age brings wisdom and greater confidence?
Susan, age brings you more to shave

It doesn't matte. whether you accept it or not. it's over. you're dumped.
Look, um, it's not you, okay? it's me.
Then why am i the one that's getting dumped? you should be the one that gets dumped.
Exactly, it's all my fault.
So dump me.
We can work on your problems.

Look, sex can be very stressful for men.
You judge us on technique, sensitivity, stamina
And we're just happy if you're naked. half naked.

S01E02 Size Matters

Have you thought through your foreplay yet?
What do you mean, foreplay?!
What do you think i mean? Mean where exactly
Do you take your socks off?
My advice is to get them off
Right afteryour shoes and beforeyour trousers.
That's the sock gap.
Miss it, and suddenly, you're a naked man in socks.
No self-respecting woman will ever let a naked man in socks do the squelchy with her

What do you call people you go out with but you don't try to sleep with?

S01E03 Sex, Death & Nudity


S01E04 Inferno

He said he loved you?
It's what men do. when there's a gap in the conversation. They hate silence. It makes them feel guilty.
Pause for a second, and they ask you, "what's wrong?" Two seconds, and they ask if you've got your period. Three seconds, and they love you.
I went out with him for five years. He never said he loved me.
It's easy. If it's what you want. You've jst got to ride the puase. Trust me, most marriage propossals are the result of a longer-than-average silence.

You know, I have never understood, the male obsession with lesbianism. A whole area of sex with nothing for them to do. Just answered my own own question.
I think they like to imagine they can get in there and convert them.
I'm surprised someone like you would think that gay people could be so easily diverted from their sexuality.

S01E05 The girl with two breasts

S01E06 The Cupboard of Patrick's Love

 4 ) A Recommendation to Coupling

I was just having no clue how to begin with my recommendation of Coupling, when suddenly I got a question: how to say 打吊瓶? I checked with Genius Kane, who initiated the recommendation and she didn’t have the answer, but, she recoiled with a stunning question: “coupling里没有?”


Haha! She has been meeting Coupling, the most classic drama I have ever seen for only 2 days! But she already has got such a response! What? A life encyclopaedia? Exactly! The first reason I recommend this drama to you, is its real-life focusing-faith. Every site you come across in this drama is as real as you can imagine- of course excluding those ancient and dreamy scenes out of dramatic needs.


But that is far from the main reason I want everybody interested in the life in UK to see it. The main reason, is its unique sense of humour! So unique that it is even a bit hard to appreciate it at first; so unique that it always goes to extreme to disclose the purest emotion of human being; so unique that you can easily condone any disinclination caused by those unusual sex jokes simply because you would already have been amusedly out of breath! It is truly so unique that you can take a real deep look at this wonderful people, with even a few smart choices of words.


The whole drama is a piece of art, and the creator Steven Moffat based the characters of Steve and Susan on himself and his wife (producer Sue Vertue), as he explains: "I have described the series as being 'my life as told by a drunk'. Like most writers, I write about what has happened to me as that involves the minimum amount of research. As it happens, Sue and I are married; so I imagined a scenario about what would have happened if we had met ten years earlier, and took it from there!"


I could not come up with any better descriptions of this TV series, but one thing is what at least I can assure you, this Steven, he is never exhausted in brooding weird, bizarre, peculiar, ludicrous but also tremendously entertaining and educational thoughts and ways of telling you so!


What is the definition of Classic? My version is something old but never out-of-dated, and whenever you review it, you can still gain something new and novel and cutting edge from it, like the Bible, like New Concept English~, like, “Apparently”, the COUPLING!


Rob Belcher's review has made a superb epitome of this drama, he wrote: "this show will speak to anyone who's ever dated, been in a relationship, or just noticed that men and women are different creatures."


I sincerely wish a perpetual life of Steven Moffat! I recommend this Sexy fairy tale weaved by 6 thirtysomething lovely actors to you, you would never feel losing your capital if you try to memorize every detail in it, trust me!

 5 ) 我的英剧最俏之冤家对对碰

《冤家对对碰》(Coupling)不仅暴笑,而且非常风骚。它比《Sex and City》更猖狂,比《Friends》更恣肆好笑。 剧中有这样一幕:“御女无数“的Patrick陷入与美容狂Sally的恋爱后,试图争取点回自己公寓的自由。此时,编剧组织了一场现代与古代时空交错的戏剧:女王Sally如同母蝎子一只,好整以暇地与“骑士”对弈,分别以温柔、可怜及崩溃攻势一步步瓦解骑士的抵抗。结局自然是蝎子女王好整以暇地将骑士引回她的床帐。 Steve(Jack Davenport)因为偷看女同A片,被女朋友抓住。他的脸象一袋土豆一样垮下来,一边强掰一边垂死挣扎。Jeff(Richard Coyle)见到心怡的美女,嘴巴总是无边失控,不讲到把美女截肢或者弄断自己的一条腿不能结束。Steve被逼得气急败坏之下,发表了一通维护男人对女性器官观赏权的演说,气势恢弘,不啻莎剧一场独角戏。Jeff也在痛苦中,进行了一场异常艰难的脱序独白。 英剧的耍宝还是暗中以戏剧为底的。Jack Davenport(《天才的瑞普利》的同性情人)是舞台剧出身,Richard Coyle也当过舞台剧演员。搞笑以语言为主,不太出乖露丑。言论比美剧放肆大胆,但幽默和旁观感让他们不会真正失控。他们好象飘在空中,以另一个自己的狼狈相、以两性之间那种微妙的关系和不太见得人的欲想取乐。 另剧中的Jane(Gina Bellma)绝对是值得一看的丰胸长腿尤物,她类比穿越和YY的菲比,但控制力却是安吉丽娜·朱莉级的。

 6 ) 让人会心一笑

英国人总是有办法让尴尬的事情变成令人喷饭的幽默。又是一个关于sex的喜剧,不过,不同于sex and the city的夸张(或者因为看了sex and the city以后更容易接受coupling的略显含蓄的调侃),coupling对sex的调侃让人感觉比较自然。同样是涉及到sex,coupling也比美国派不容易让人感到恶心。说了这么多,就是想赞扬一下BBC的水准,虽然是a naughty new comedy about nothing but sex,但是,男女主人公都很可爱,笨拙但不猥琐,他们碰到的一些在处理男女关系方面的问题许多都是一般人可能会碰到的。刚刚认识的尴尬,打电话问好过以后不知道说什么,等等。。。然而调侃得非常的好。一头卷发的Jeff真是一个活宝,跑题的水平一流,总是在关键时刻冒出一两句不相干的话,罗罗嗦嗦并且有强迫症的Jane,居然强迫一个Gay跟她约会,优柔寡断意志薄弱的Steve,分个手约个会都弄得非常的困难。本片英语很清晰,YDY字幕翻译的也还可以,如果要看外挂的也可以。

Season 1:
外挂中文: http://lib.verycd.com/2005/04/28/0000048534.html
YDY: http://lib.verycd.com/2005/10/28/0000071800.html
Season 2:
YDY http://lib.verycd.com/2005/11/10/0000073944.html

另外,英国人真是喜欢讲政治,开玩笑也喜欢调侃政治。Sally为了Patrick的保守党身份挣扎了好一阵。I would consider anyone except animal and Torries最正常的就是女主角了,可惜因为这样她也稍显无聊。
片头曲很有意思,正好是Quizas, quizas, quizas的英文版,perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, 不同的是,Nat Cole King的Quizas唱得比较柔情缠绵的爵士,perhaps则唱得欢快一点,调侃意味更多一点,有点mambo味道,让人听了就想笑。

Siempre que te pregunto
Que, cuándo, cómo y dónde
Tú siempre me respondes
Quizás, quizás, quizás

Y así pasan los días
Y yo, desesperando
Y tú, tú c ontestando
Quizás, quizás, quizás

Estás perdiendo el tiempo
Pensando, pensando
Por lo que más tú quieras
Hasta cuándo Hasta cuándo

Y así pasan los días
Y yo, desesperando
Y tú, tú c ontestando
Quizás, quizás, quizás

Estás perdiendo el tiempo
Pensando, pensando
Por lo que más tú quieras
Hasta cuándo Hasta cuándo

Y así pasan los días
Y yo, desesperando
Y tú, tú c ontestando
Quizás, quizás, quizás









English translation of original Spanish lyrics:


I am always asking you
When, how and where
You always tell me
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

The days pass this way
And I am despairing
And you, you always answer
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

You are wasting time
Thinking, thinking
That which you want most
Until when? Until when?

The days pass this way
And I am despairing
And you, you always answer
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

You are wasting time
Thinking, thinking
That which you want most
Until when? Until when?

The days pass this way
And I am despairing
And you, you always answer
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps


Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

                     By Cake

You won't admit you love me.
And so how am I ever to know?
You only tell me
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

A million times I ask you,
and then I ask you over again,
you only answer
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

If you can't make your mind up,
we'll never get started.
And I don't wanna wind up
being parted, broken-hearted.
So if you really love me,
say yes.
But if you don't, dear, confess.
And please don't tell me
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

(Solo Section)

If you can't make your mind up,
we'll never get started.
And I don't wanna wind up
being parted, broken-hearted.
So if you really love me,
say yes.
But if you don't, dear, confess.
And please don't tell me
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps,
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps,


当二人世界变成六人行,男人意淫女人,女人谈论男人,各种荤段子就上来了。腐国人从来没有节操,不怕政治错误,也乐于自我调侃,所以英国喜剧比美国好笑。Lesbian Spanking Inferno那一集真的太有才了,特别是Jane假装自己是素食主义者学🐑叫,让我半夜笑出眼泪。大俗当中有大智慧,性爱话题包裹的是男女对于情感的认知。段子设计可以当sitcom教科书范例了

  • 半个桃李林檎
  • 力荐


  • 菠菜
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  • 有猫万事足
  • 力荐

三个男的都很帅!女的就太sorry啦 剧情么就是英版的老友记啦

  • Nadja
  • 还行

Steve Moffat最擅长的果然是混淆观众的逻辑感(这时候多线叙述总是必要的),出奇意料地重组逻辑,开场的两个情侣叨叨念就是一例,跟Jekll、Sherlock的某些桥段设计如出一折。前三季是00年到02年,然后是04年第四季终,03年跳出来的是US美版!?怎样的?!

  • 恶魔的步调
  • 力荐

完全就不是英版老友记!走向根本不一样,这其实就是探讨两性关系外加赤裸裸地在女性观众面前暴露男性心理的教学片!/ solo flight打飞机、elasticity法则、giggle loop、lesbian spank inferno、A woman's breasts are a journey Her feet are the destination太经典 / Shadayim在希伯来语里是breast

  • 暖暖
  • 力荐

别把它和Friends比,因为完全没可比性。如果说Doctor who是展现魔法特的编剧能力,Coupling炫的就是台词功底。真真让你知道什么叫妙笔生花妙语连珠。最后还是要俗气的叹一句:魔法特神人也。

  • 李阿鲁
  • 力荐


  • 恶魔奶爸Sam
  • 力荐


  • 草威
  • 力荐

The ending is like a sudden death.Anyway, it's great fun watching it.

  • sarah🇺🇦
  • 推荐


  • Mr. Infamous
  • 力荐


  • 亵渎电影
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  • mOco
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不想和friends做比较,两部都很不错。刚看完第一季,giggle loop笑的我眼泪都出来了,还有reservoir dogs内一幕,等等,我很喜欢susan&steve 第四季里我不喜欢那个新来的家伙 做作。就这么没了,很可惜

  • Jin
  • 推荐

第一季只看了前5集。friends & sex & humor 英版六人行,两两配对。一旦入戏了,就会非常喜欢。多少直白的对话啊,国人是不是含蓄地太过了?还是我太少见多怪呢^_^

  • 紫领 爱
  • 推荐

后两集尤其搞笑,所以说莫法特你还是写这种现实剧吧=v= 另外这里居然提到过SW,ST和DW神马的,虽然没几句但是也很不容易了~ 性格的话最喜欢Susan~

  • 雅典娜
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  • 秋熙
  • 力荐


  • 海棠一生
  • 推荐

我不喜欢六人行,但英国版的六人行真的很合我的胃口!(其实说英国版六人行很牵强,这剧讲的不是友情,而是男女对爱情的不同价值观)。最初爱上的竟然是sock gap理论。关于穿袜子的裸男,一下子就被萌上了。看bones的童鞋都懂的~

  • 英恩
  • 推荐

在众多优质的描述两性之争的情景喜剧之中,这部剧集也绝对算的上是名列前茅。四星半。PS:Susan 的性格是我喜欢的类型...

  • Sunman
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