

主演:查德·迈克尔·墨瑞  詹姆斯·拉夫尔提  海莉·伯顿  贝瑟妮·乔伊·盖里奥迪  索菲亚·布什  

导演:Sanford  Bookstaver  


篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.1篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.2篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.3篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.4篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.5篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.6篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.13篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.14篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.15篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.16篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.17篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.18
更新时间:2023-09-13 13:36


  内森(詹姆斯·拉夫尔提 James Lafferty 饰)是含着金汤匙出生的富家子弟,丰厚的家底和养尊处优的生活让内森的个性高傲又自负,他是学校里的风云人物,同时是校篮球队里的种子选手。
  在单亲家庭里长大的卢卡斯(查德·迈克尔·墨瑞 Chad Michael Murray 饰)个性腼腆内向,一直以来默默无闻,所有人都不知道的是,这个不起眼的男孩,和内森竟然是同父异母的兄弟。某日,卢卡斯加入了内森所在的篮球队,一颗篮球将两个陌生又熟悉的男孩紧紧地联系到了一起,他们互为对手又惺惺相惜,在亲情、友情和爱情的漩涡之中上下浮沉。最终,他们能够看透世俗的假象,找到真实的自我吗?


 1 ) 甜蜜青山镇

  一个美国式的“Happy ending”,篮球兄弟第六季完美落幕。
  在GG的最后一集,C终于对B说“I love you”,我却半点没感觉到幸福,也完全没有他们历经风雨,终于在一起的释然。他们之间的爱情游戏,比起青山镇里那些相濡以沫的痴情男女来说,真的肤浅许多。
  终了,每个人的结束语都是:“Believe that dreams come true every day,because they do.”你我都知道,不是每一个都梦想都可以实现,因为时间太快勇气太少。但是记得告诉自己,人生苦短,总要实现一个梦。
  虽说,第七部没有Payton没有Lucas,剧里的男男女女又要开始接受生活严酷的考验。但是如果第七季已经变味,那这就是最终结局,美国式的Happy ending,一个最好的结局。

 2 ) Remember Me As a Time of Day


Mouth:Take a look at yourself in the mirror, who do you see looking back?
Haley:Is it the person you wanna be?
Dan:Or is there someone else you were meant to be, the person you should have been but just fell short of.
Mia:Is someone telling you that you can't or you won't? Because you can.
Chase: Believe that love is out there.
Nathan:And believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.

Peyton:Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power.Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family, and from the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
Julian:Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
Brooke:Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
Peyton:So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be. Believe that.
Lucas:And believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.

S6是个对Leyton来说是个非常完美的结局,在love at first sight,love triangle等等之后,历经风雨有情人终成眷属,美好得让人无法相信。有点cliche,但有时候越是cliche还就越动人。像Haley在他们婚礼上说的That was the dream. And here we are 10 years later and we all get to witness today a dream come true.

对Brooke来说,遗憾是有的,两个她想领养的小孩都离开了,她是那么爱她们。我希望Sam可以回来,毕竟她们经历了这么多。Brooke从S1到S6是所有人中变化最大的,Julian曾经这么写Brooke:Gorgeous brunette with an amazing energy and smile. Funny. Intelligent. Kind-hearted. Strong-headed. Simple. Complicated. Motherly. Childish. Tough. Sensitive. Beautiful. Way cooler than she was in high school.

B.Davis&P.Sawyer的友情很动人,比亲情更无私。B可以为了P放弃自己喜欢的人,可以原谅她背叛,可以因为她回Tree Hill,无私地帮她建立起自己的事业,有朋友如此夫复何求。Peyton给自己快要出生的小孩录video的时候有这么一段话我觉得可以概括~A best friend... Okay, this one is so important. Choose wisely, okay? I got really lucky with mine. My best friend is funny, intelligent, creative, beautiful and successful and very kind. And she's also impulsive, frustrating, complicated, childish. But I would not have her any other way. And the best part about Brooke Davis is that she always puts friends first. So, if you are ever in any kind of trouble, now you know who to call. I can't think of anyone I would rather have watching over you.

B到后期俨然成圣人了,而她自己的情感生活却空白一片。和母亲破裂的感情,在被袭击事件后更让她封闭内心。她只是渴望被爱,朋友的爱毕竟是不够完整的。她极度渴望母爱,她母亲却偏偏要说出我希望从来没生过你这样绝情的话,她希望给别人母爱,却偏偏那些人都要离开。People always leave,似乎没什么是留的住的。有时候看着都觉得心碎。

后来她一直称呼为Bitchtoria的老妈子回来了,想让她继续帮她经营公司,她不肯,却因为心软,如果自己不回去,那在Clothes Over Bros工作的人就要失业。P说I don't know what you should do, but I know what you will do. You're gonna go back to Vicwhoreia and help all those people...

母女两人通过Sam慢慢开始和解,Brooke会因为她老妈带Sam去shopping而吃醋,都是刀子嘴豆腐心的人。I should have loved you more and the company less. I just didn't know how.她妈妈这么说着,即使再怎么憎恨对方,都烟消云散了,孩子就是这么好哄~哦对了差点忘记她也找到了自己的真爱Julian虽然我对这个男演员非好感,但毕竟B终于完整了,我也欣慰了~

Peyton在S5的时候是totally messed up,不过S6开始be strong for Brooke.Life's too short, Brooke, to fight, to be miserable, to let the bitter ones change how awesome you are.P一直是两人中比较脆弱的,亲生母亲和养母都过世,剩下一个老爸是N久也见不上一面,与Brooke闹翻,吸毒,BT stalker Derek差点没让她死在他手里,总之所有狗血的惨剧都发生在她身上了。但她有B.Davis这样的BBF,很开心看到曾经的emo P.Sawyer变坚强。其实我最喜欢S1的P,很酷,全世界都不放在眼里的傲气。Sarcasm是她的一大特色,她的造型是我最喜欢的style,爱她对音乐和艺术的热爱与抱负。虽然S6她的Red Bedroom Records经营地非常成功,但后面都没再提起她的画有些遗憾。

Haley=The coolest teacher+The best mom+Everybody's best friend+An amazing singer/songwriter

Jamie=The Cutest kid ever!

个人很大的遗憾是Rachel,我到现在也无法相信她就这样把钱拿走消失掉了,再怎么样就算是演员不演了,也不用把她写成这样吧!这个为了友谊宁愿自己被踢出校门的女人怎么可能会这样对Brooke!I just don't buy it!


 3 ) 关于青春。关于爱情。





敢爱敢恨也好 玩世不恭也好


 4 ) some quotes


-At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one.- Peyton


-It's always gonna be there, isn't it? You and me.- Lucas


-Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.- Lucas


-It's you. When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me is you.- Lucas


-Our biggest regrets are not for the things we have done but for the things we haven’t done and said that might have saved some one we cared about.- Lucas


-So maybe the elite girls aren't for me, but one of these days im going to meet a girl who really loves me and maybe she wont be what you call hot but i'll think she's beautiful and i'll tell her so. I wont be mean to her because i wont have to play games with her. I'll just be the guy she can always count on and that'll be enough, and she'll be elite to me.- Mouth


-You know I could've held you in my arms forever? It still wouldn't have been long enough.- Jake


-Sometimes the greatest rewards in life ; come from doing the things that scare you the most.- Whitey
-Promise me one thing. When you pick the boy you’re gonna really be with. Promise me he’s someone who respects you and treats you well. Someone who makes your heart race and he’s someone you love. Because of who he is. not what he does. Use your head and follow your heart.- Larry Sawyer


-Peyton, you're too young not to believe it's all gonna be okay.- Max (record store guy)


-Do whatever makes you happy but do it now. Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain, take advantage of what’s right in front of you.-Rachel


-There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up.- Lucas

 5 ) alex

i like alex,formly she is a child,a girl,so naughty,she is magazine model,and she is forbided to take drugs,but she took and hide herself in a bar and peeping other drinks because she cant,she kills some guy just because of he drinks and she like the wine taste,so funny,

and later,she fall in love with her director,someone having no feel of her,just one side love,her absolutely get hurt and cut veins because that guy didnot pick up her phone.

fortunately she is rescued,after she turned into mature much more,she know how to control sentiment,but just acting self-fish,and caring about other feeling,help other,help someone loved her before.

anyway i havenot finished the drama,so expecting more....

 6 ) Funny thing i noticed

this comment has almost nothing to do with the show itself just some interesting thing i noticed while comparing the show to Greek anyway

p.s. some of the description below only shows certain period of time of the show so DO NOT JUDGE THE WHOLE PERSONALITY
k let's go

Cappie vs. Lucas
fringe, anti-mainstream (the frat, rivercourt )
always stand up to their antagonist(evan/nathan)
always have girl friend issues

Evan vs. Nathan
leader of the groups (president of house and captain of team)
prominent and manipulative family
somewhat mean and evil

Rusty vs. Marvin
funny and illustrative nicknames(spitter/mouth)
overly good-hearted


love the female actress!

  • eyedmini
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  • 低碳的尼克
  • 力荐


  • 扭腰客
  • 还行

青春短暂 即使不全是美好的回忆 但是也要让自己沉溺其中

  • yoyo
  • 力荐


  • valo
  • 还行


  • No.A.
  • 力荐


  • 麦。麦。
  • 力荐


  • Porc au Prince
  • 还行


  • cici
  • 力荐

my cup of tea~love brook~

  • peanut
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大概是用电脑追的第一部美剧 高中毕业看到现在

  • 力荐


  • bling-bling
  • 较差


  • Northstar
  • 力荐

开头一般般 但是后来就慢慢爱上这部美剧了

  • BAO小宝儿~
  • 力荐


  • 喜宝
  • 力荐

"peyton sawyer will become peyton scott”--感动死我了。///Mark"看过”因为对我来说,OTH已经结束在S06。接下来当新剧看了。。。

  • vanvan
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  • XD|醒来。你在。
  • 力荐


  • lulu~
  • 推荐

一直追到现在的青春剧 但编剧似乎已经江郎才尽 恐怕快要结束了

  • FairyYY
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  • Peyton
  • 力荐


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