




巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.1巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.2巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.3巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.4巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.5巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.6巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.13巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.14巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.15巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.16巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.17巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.18巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.19巴瑞第二季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-05-17 20:59


为了来之不易的新挚爱,巴瑞迫切希望逃离自己的过往,全身心投入到表演当中。然而职业杀手不是想不干就能不干的,而且诉诸暴力似乎并不只是外力作用的结果——一开始到底是什么让巴瑞拿起了屠刀?   从现在起,做一个幸福的人 / 排练、表演,花成蜜就   从现在起,关心女友和导师 / 我有一座舞台,面朝观众,灯启帷开   从……现在开始


 1 ) 深刻有余,趣味不足







 2 ) 比第一季精彩,节奏快,剧情吸引人。


 3 ) 一部慢慢自毁的剧




 4 ) “恶人”竟是他自己——从《巴瑞》的家暴戏谈起

今天看《紧急呼救》第二季里接线员姐姐的家暴故事,很自然地想起《巴瑞》对家暴题材的描写。两者都强调了家暴发生后女性想逃却难逃的挣扎心理,还有逃离后的悔恨。但由于《巴瑞》是大男主POV戏,编剧组写的更复杂些。 男主角巴瑞在女主面前一直是以她的守护骑士形象出现,他支持她成为更好的自己。排演女主被家暴的经历时,巴瑞连连拒绝对她动手,即使只是演戏。女主回忆起阴影,觉得自己懦弱胆小时,巴瑞劝慰她说你已经很勇敢了。看起来巴瑞是最积极无害的伴侣。 可是在女主前夫激怒巴瑞时,他被怒火冲昏头脑掏枪上膛,枪口却意外对上了女主。这一刻巴瑞惊恐至极。愤怒冲动的他和那个家暴人渣又有什么区别?




影视作品常刻画施害者的暴戾,受害者的痛苦,《巴瑞》主创却写了个新角色:一个站在旁观视角的、害怕使用暴力的男人。陷入道德困境,首要条件是心中有道德准线。Bill曾经说,他很怕自己的anger issue,怕自己控制不住暴躁情绪。善良的人总是恐惧自己,太多人偏于掩饰心机阴暗的一面,将其作为秘密武器,世界上却还有这样一些人担忧着它误伤到他人。


不过答案或许已经在第一季出现过了,是借麦克白之口精彩道出——“Life is but a walking shadow.”巴瑞只是一个行走着的影子,或许终会融入黑暗之中。这些“喧哗和骚动”着的纠结,或者说是戏剧冲突,其实“没有任何意义”,只博观众一笑便罢了。



 5 ) 真实使人不适

这部剧品质非常高,高在编剧,高在演员,高在很多地方。但它不会火,起码不像权游那么火,或者拿更相近的例子,不像嗜血法医那样火。 我想大概是那种真实感太强烈。那种幽默中透着诡异的感觉,反而突出了这种真实感,而巴瑞的人设注定是一个走向黑暗的结局,那些幽默点变成了戏剧性的悲凉。 想夸这剧的优点在于人物角色的塑造,barry,sally gene, fuches, noho,基本上笑点集中在noho身上,因为他真的好可爱。 barry在对待父亲角色上很难抗拒,这点在退役后被fuches带着杀人和接受gene指导演戏变成倾诉心事都能体现,另外他擅长杀人不代表他缺少人性,因为杀人技能被认可从而被集体接纳这恰恰说明他的人性,反社会人格并不在乎被接纳。 非常讽刺的是sally的反抗故事得到了人们认可,而她真实的软弱故事很难表现在大众面前,就算真的演,大众也可能因为这样真实的暴露而不适(这也是我认为为什么这部剧不会火的一个原因)。


相比fuches同样的father figure,就要难堪丑恶的多了,演员真的把那种装腔作势讨人厌的感觉演得太好,就是个混的,为了生存什么都干得出来,像是地下道里努力的老鼠。barry想脱离他就恼羞成怒陷害gene。


 6 ) Sally's Monologue

I'm sorry, can we stop for a second? I just, I feel like I need to say something, Barry.

[Barry: okay.]

This piece that I'm doing for class, is exactly what I should be doing.

[Barry: yeah I know it's great, what you're doing is…]

I'm terrified, okay? Because my piece is real. It's not a character, it's me. Raw, unapologetic truth with a capital T. All caps, actually, I'm thinking like a writer now.

I mean this was stuff I couldn't even talk about without lying, and here I am about just stripped naked in front of a bunch of strangers and share something I am massively ashamed of. Not literally, I don't believe in nudity, unless it drives the story forward.

I am afraid they're gonna judge me and I'm afraid that Sam is gonna find out and do something crazy, but I have to do this. It's my story to tell. But then so many other women have the same story. What, am I the spokesperson for them now? Could I be the face of the movement? I mean, what if I get it wrong? I resent the fact that Nick can get up there and talk about his stomach condition and it's not like he has to be the poster boy for bulimia but I get up there whatever I say it's like… "what are we saying about women?" … I mean, this is just MY STORY. "But what if you get it wrong, Sally?" "I don't know, you can't get it wrong Sally." "But you cannot tell either Sally, because it's who you are." Which makes the thing that my agent sent me on today so fucking insulting. 'Payback Ladies'? It's just another shit male idea of what strong women are. Oh oh ohh grab a gun and in some stilettos and it's gonna god damn blowout, and look how strong you are now! Sally! It's bullshit! Which by the way so is this, this is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever read, but you wanna know the worst part? You wanna know what's really driving me fucking crazy? I'm so jealous that you're reading for this, I've never had a director session for a feature, which is the same thing as a movie, P.S.. And I have been doing this for way longer, and I think you'd agree that I am way better. I… MADE YOU. And I'm actually represented by Gersh--well at least I was, I don't even know whether they rep me anymore after what I said in there today but still at least I held my ground because I am an artist, okay, an artist… and this is not fucking arts! But then, I mean, to be honest of course I am so happy for you! I mean, of course I want you to get this part and I want to be the one to help you learn your lines and fix your inflections but I need you to know that if you do get it, it's gonna make me like, like a hundred times more insane. Okay? … [Gasp.] Continue!

I'm okay with the fact that Sally doesn't really love Barry, not even a bit. She just feeds off Barry's indecisiveness and uses him as a bandage to cover her wound from both Sam and every other embodiment of "toxic musculanity" in her life; her intention for Barry is the same as what she said about Emma Stone's agent, that she wanted him to be her agent so that she could dump him when she got big. And I love the writing of Sally's character so much just because of that. She and Barry never really had a benign relationship, so what's the point of resenting her for being a bitch to him? Sally aspires for ascending. Barry takes pains in order for descending from a god-like place (which he was himself both unaware of and didn't know how to utilize) to the every-person mundaneness that Sally would give anything to leave behind.

Bill Hader is an instantaneously likeable person; the creator's monster, Barry Berkman, however, is not. The real touchstone of Barry's character is his absolute lack of character despite of him having the most sensational events of life. Even his dreams are so itchingly dull and devoid of intellectual self-reflection that it makes him pitiful to watch. To me, that's what makes Barry Berkman as should-be-just-another-male-leading-role in today's show industry utterly fanscinating; once they gave him a sharp character as if he were some kind of Macbethian anti-hero, all the magic would be lost. Indeed, the Barry/Macbeth parallel was drawn in Season One, but it was done so unpretentiously that it added almost nothing to our protagonist's personality; rather, it only spoke of the similarity between his real life tragics and the theatrical tragedy. That Barry had to go through partially what Macbeth did does not readily make him a Macbeth-like character. He is more ambivalent and less archetypical than that. He is the one left-out possibility of being a murderer that hasn't been discussed and tried out exhaustively up till now in the movie industry because of its unexcitedness. Sally, uncaring and narcissistic as she is, has no reason to see through the hollowness of his personality and learn that her boyfriend has been going through some shitty, incubating tormants and plights. (Actually there is more reason for her not to see that since her ignorance is a part of the comedy.) The transcendence from absurdity to ridicule is totally sensible to me, and it's so funny the moment you realize that how unrelatable yet sympathetic Barry's character is whereas how relatable yet obnoxious Sally's character is and that they are placed in a distanced, intimate relationship, struggling to move in two opposite directions while being stuck together in one storyline.

Barry is the freaking monster, who, I'm gonna say that again, could have been a god as he used to took lives without reason, mercy or regret but he chose to descend down towards the earth. Instead of turning into a human, he was forced by his humanity to become a monster. Sally is the most of the human race, who have been dreamt of ascending up towards the sky for tens of thousands of years. But they will never make it, neither will she--their monstrous cruelty keeps them safely tied to the ground while mutilating each other as human members. How can I help but name calling Barry and Sally as two ungrateful pieces of shit? As in the end they are both about just being the same person in different positions and over different time frames, I guess the joke is on me.



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Bill Hader自己导演的两集可以上天了:跆拳道友生吃丧尸父女,车臣Barry小队师徒杀……另外还有表演真实性的两个方向,妇仇者联盟剧集的破产,Do you want a piece of pieee? 太厉害

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  • 今天天气不错
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季终集真是枚大炸弹。Bill Hader可以给同台同天完结的那部上课了

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bill hader的艺术生命太惊人了.....竟然非常科恩了

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7.5/10 分。2022.05.21,初看。第一集开头抢劫保险箱杀人拍得挺搞笑的。。。最后一集,男主走入无边黑暗。。。

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